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KWoC 2023 Report

· 4 min read
Tejas Pandey

Hello everyone!

The Kharagpur Winter of Code (KWoC) 2023 has come to a close, and what an incredible journey it has been! For those unfamiliar, KWoC is an annual five-week program where students, many of whom are new to open-source software, contribute to coding projects under the guidance of experienced mentors. This program, hosted by the Kharagpur Open Source Society (KOSS) at IIT Kharagpur, is open to students from all universities, creating a diverse and inclusive environment.

The Motivation

KWoC's main aim is to provide students with guidance and mentorship as they take their first steps into the world of open source. It helps build bridges between budding developers and experienced mentors. This early guidance is especially beneficial for freshmen and sophomores, helping them build confidence and skills that will be invaluable for larger programs like Google Summer of Code (GSoC).

How It Works

KWoC has always been an online program, operating through its dedicated website. The process begins with mentors registering their projects. By the last week of November, the accepted projects are listed on the website, and student registrations begin. Students then browse through the projects, select those that interest them, and start contributing.

The Kickoff

This year's journey started with an Introductory Seminar on November 11th, held on Google Meet and livestreamed on youtube.

The seminar covered:

  • What KWoC is all about
  • Eligibility and participation details
  • Benefits for both beginners and experienced coders
  • The program timeline
  • Helpful resources
  • FAQs and live Q&A

Participation Stats

  • Mentor Registrations: Began on November 12th
  • Student Registrations: Started on November 25th
  • Registered Mentors: 107
  • Approved Projects: 69
  • Registered Students: 1393

The Coding Period

The coding period officially started on December 9th. This phase was a hive of activity as students collaborated with their mentors, working on issues, and implementing new features. By December 24th, mid-evaluations were conducted. To pass, students needed to have at least one open or merged pull request (PR) in their project. 133 students met this criterion and moved forward.

Mid and End Evaluations

End evaluations began on January 9th, requiring students to have at least two open or merged PRs. 100 students met this requirement and were asked to write detailed blog reports about their KWoC experience, with a submission deadline of January 15th. These reports, along with mentor feedback, determined the successful participants.

Highlights and Achievements

KWoC 2023 saw tremendous achievements and growth:

  • Projects: 69
  • Mentors: 107
  • Students Registered: 1393
  • Students with At Least One Merged PR: 90
  • Mid Evaluations Passed: 133
  • End Evaluations Passed: 100
  • Blog Reports Submitted: 71
  • Successful Participants: 62
  • Total Merged PRs: 503
  • Total Commits: 1353
  • Lines of Code Changed: +1.01M / -52k

Closing Thoughts

Embarking on an open-source project can be intimidating, especially for those new to coding. It often begins with the excitement of exploring projects and wanting to make a meaningful contribution. However, navigating unfamiliar codebases and understanding project conventions can be intimidating. The key is to break down complex problems into smaller, solvable pieces and to learn progressively. approach not only helps in understanding coding practices but also builds resilience and patience to work on large projects.

Mentor interaction is crucial in KWoC, and while some students faced challenges in communication, many found mentors to be incredibly supportive. The relationship between mentors and mentees often blossomed into a collaborative learning experience, with mentors guiding students through coding practices and project development. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all mentors for their invaluable support and dedication throughout the program

KWoC 2023 has been a celebration of code, collaboration, and community. The success of this edition is a testament to the hard work and passion of everyone involved—students, mentors, and the KOSS team. Certificates were awarded to successful participants, and the top 10 performers will be awarded goodies from FOSS United.

As we wrap up another successful year of KWoC, we're excited to see how this experience will impact the future paths of all participants. Collaboration and learning are at the heart of open source, and KWoC 2023 has been a great example of this spirit.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making this year's event a success.

Best wishes, Kharagpur Open Source Society